Layout mini-tab

The Layout options allow you to control the eventual printed output of your content.

Use this setting if you want the output to go directly to the printer without any FinePrint modifications or scaling. With this feature, it is convenient to set FinePrint as your default printer driver and use the Bypass option when you want output to go directly to your destination printer.

1 up
Use this setting when you want to print a document in the same size as it would print without FinePrint but want to apply FinePrint stationery or forms.

2 up
This is the default setting and is the most commonly used option. Almost all documents are readable printed at 2 up which results in a 50% reduction in printed paper and toner. Document drafts, legal briefs, email, computer source code, etc. can be printed at 2 up with excellent results. It is also the best setting for printing to a fax modem.

4 up
This is an excellent choice for those documents which contain text in sizes larger than 10 points. The text is generally readable and paper and toner usage are reduced by 75%. Review copies of large manuals may be printed using 4 up as well as court transcripts and presentations. 4 up is also a good choice for archiving documents that must be stored in printed form. In 4 up mode, the page ordering feature is available.

8 up
This setting is a good choice for handouts of presentations or any other document where the point sizes are larger than 14. 8 up offers the maximum paper compression and is suitable for archival documents. In 8 up mode, the page ordering feature is available.

This setting will create a 2 up double-sided booklet. Booklets are useful for presentations, brochures, or other applications where a compact format is desired. If you have problems printing booklets, take a look at the troubleshooting section.

Checking this box will repeat each the same page in each available slot on a sheet. For example, if the layout is set to 4 up, 4 of the same page will appear on the sheet.


- draws the pages down before drawing them across the sheet of paper in 4 and 8 up modes. For example, in 4 up mode, the page ordering would be:

Page 1 Page 3
Page 2 Page 4

Across - draws the pages across before drawing them down the sheet of paper in 4 and 8 up modes. For example, in 4 up mode, the page ordering would be:

Page 1 Page 2
Page 3 Page 4

PDF - use this check box if you are printing landscape Acrobat (PDF) documents with Acrobat versions less than 4.0.

R to L - this option appears when a Middle Eastern or bi-directional language version of Windows is being used. Selecting this option will reverse the ordering of pages within a page and will also make booklets begin open on the left side instead of the right side.  This item appears only when the "Enable right to left page ordering" item is selected in the Settings tab.

Select the stationery to apply from this combo box.

Select the form to apply from this combo box.


This combo box allows you to adjust the white space around the content within a page. The options are:

Separate jobs
When printing multiple jobs, it is sometimes useful to have each job begin on a new sheet so that is easier to determine where each job begins. The options available in the Separate jobs combo box are:

Note: if double sided printing is not being used, the "by side" and "by sheet" settings are equivalent.

Example: 2 three page jobs printed using a 4 up layout.

Separate jobs off

Sheet 1

Job 1
Page 1
Job 1 
Page 2
Job 1
Page 3
Job 2
Page 1

Sheet 2

Job 2
Page 2
Job 2 
Page 3

Separate jobs by page/sheet

Sheet 1

Job 1
Page 1
Job 1
Page 2
Job 1
Page 3

Sheet 2

Job 2
Page 1
Job 2
Job 2
Page 3

Leave room for gutters
Check this box if space for gutters is required.

Remove graphics
Check this box if graphics should be eliminated.  This option is useful for saving ink when printing web pages with advertising graphics.

Show deleted pages
When pages are deleted, they are removed from the preview unless this box is checked.  Deleted pages are indicated by a red X across the page.  To undelete the deleted page, right click and select "Undelete this page".